【 第292期 】應英系參加「2019全國技專院校英語簡報競賽」榮獲冠軍


應用英語系李懿修(3A)、 蔡松澤(1A)、 林佳璇(1B)、陳若蓁(1B)於2019年5月21日獲得2019全國技專院校英語簡報競賽冠軍。 




We are delighted to congratulate CUTe students Jason (3A), Henry (1A), Emma (1B), and Jenifer (1B) for ranking 1st place overall amongst all team participants, beating all other contestants, on May 21, 2019, in a national PowerPoint presentation contest involving 14 teams from top national and private universities. This contest involved 3-6 students per team, with each university allowed a maximum of 2 teams. A maximum of 10 minutes were allowed for each presentation. Scoring was based on speaking (50%), content (30%), and PowerPoint skill (20%).

The goal of this contest was to enhance the English language learning environment, promote the development of presentation skills, and increase opportunities for international dialogue.

It is difficult and rare to become champions at a national level. Earning #1 as a team is only the result of arduous coaching, patience, and continuous practice. We sincerely hope to reproduce such gratifying results for CUTe in future contests!

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