【 第236期 】英文公園 第146期

(台北校區/通識教育中心) English Park

I. News Path–新聞步道

紐約時報在奧斯卡頒獎典禮撥放真相廣告/發現七顆超近類地行星/北韓試射導彈川普 / 川普安倍會談愉快 /文化部推動 中正紀念堂轉型 /交通部稽查遊覽車 仍發現違規/ 禽流感未歇!雲林再撲殺2萬多隻雞/台灣經濟的保命線路 最快下半年動工拆除

II. News Vocabulary

1.     launch              發射
2.     rhetoric             修辭
3.     summit             首腦
4.     arson                縱火
5.       exact                精確的
6.        transportation   交通運輸 
7.        positive            確實的
8.      dismantle          拆卸

III VCR Observatory–影像觀景台
VoiceTube-不必花大錢 就能看影片學英語

與壓力做朋友 | Kelly McGonigal/使用食物防腐劑對人有害嗎?/如何當個溫暖的人/為什麼你手機電池的續航力就是這麼糟?

IV Wisdom Woods–智慧森林

1.Permanent success cannot be achieved except by incessant intellectual labour, always inspired by the ideal.” – Sarah Bernhardt, Actress
「除非在思考上不間斷的努力、不斷被理想所激發,我們無法得到永恆的成功。」莎拉·伯恩哈特 (演員)
2. “By constant self-discipline and self-control, you can develop greatness of character.” – Grenville Kleiser, Inspirational Book Writer
「不斷的自律及自我控制可以培養出非凡的性格。」葛弗爾‧克萊什爾 (勵志作家)
3. “If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.” – Rabindranath Tagore, Philosopher
「你如果拒絕面對錯誤,真相也會被擋在門外。」泰戈爾 (哲學家)

V. Singing River–吟唱河流

How Far I'll Go/ Roar 

I. News Path

New York Times to broadcast 'truth' ad during Academy Awards


NEW YORK -- The New York Times will broadcast a commercial called "The Truth Is Hard" during Sunday's Academy Awards, just days after the company and other news organizations were blocked from joining an informal, on-the-record White House press briefing. 

Earth-like planets found in nearby system

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida -- For the first time, astronomers have discovered seven Earth-size planets orbiting a single nearby star — and these new worlds could hold life.

North Korean missile launch is Trump's latest test

PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Embroiled in a legal battle over his immigration order, President Donald Trump now faces a new provocation in the first weeks of his presidency.

Trump 'grabs and hugs' Abe

WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with a brotherly hug and warm words of admiration Friday, as he ditched previously hard-charging rhetoric toward Tokyo during a White House summit.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall to face 'transitional justice'

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Ministry of Culture announced Saturday a raft of measures to exact "transitional justice" on Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

Transportation chief touts cots for drivers

TAIPEI -- Taiwan's transportation minister encouraged bus drivers on Saturday to make greater use of rest facilities at service areas along the country's freeways.

Yunlin reports bird flu infection hours after ban lift


TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Hours after a ban on poultry slaughter and shipping was lifted on Friday, the Yunlin County Government said two farms had reported that its birds tested positive for H5 flu infection.

2 Central Mountain Range
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The state-run power Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) will dismantle two typhoon-damaged overhead power lines across the Central Mountain Range, after concluding the lines were beyond repair, according to reports.

II. News Vocabulary(上述新聞標題與短文的單字補充)
1.     brief                  簡要
2.     broadcast          廣播
3.     astronomer        天文學家
4.     orbit                  軌道
5.     launch               發射
6.     rhetoric              修辭
7.     summit              首腦
8.     raft                    木筏
9.     exact                 精確的
10.    transportation    交通運輸
11.    minister             部長
12.    infection            傳染
13.    positive             確實的
14.    dismantle          拆卸

15.    overhead           高架上的

III. VoiceTube

與壓力做朋友 | Kelly McGonigal (Kelly McGonigal | How to make stress your friend (Condensed Talk))


使用食物防腐劑對人有害嗎? (Are food preservatives bad for you? - Eleanor Nelsen)


如何當個溫暖的人 (How to be Warm)

為什麼你手機電池的續航力就是這麼糟? (Why Does Your Phone Battery Suck?)


IV. Wisdom Woods

English proverbs and sayings full of humor and wisdom
1.Permanent success cannot be achieved except by incessant intellectual labour, always inspired by the ideal.” – Sarah Bernhardt, Actress
「除非在思考上不間斷的努力、不斷被理想所激發,我們無法得到永恆的成功。」莎拉·伯恩哈特 (演員)
2. “By constant self-discipline and self-control, you can develop greatness of character.” – Grenville Kleiser, Inspirational Book Writer
「不斷的自律及自我控制可以培養出非凡的性格。」葛弗爾克萊什爾 (勵志作家)
3. “If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.” – Rabindranath Tagore, Philosopher
「你如果拒絕面對錯誤,真相也會被擋在門外。」泰戈爾 (哲學家)
4.Half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which to base a decision.” – Herbert Hawkes, Dean of Columbia University
「一半以上的憂慮來自人們沒有足夠的資料作基礎就妄下決定。」– 赫伯特‧霍克斯 (哥倫比亞大學教務長)
5.If one aspired to wear the captain’s cap and navigate the ship of business, personality and the ability to talk are more important than a knowledge of Latin verbs or a sheepskin from Harvard.” Lowell Thomas, Journalist
「一個人若想在商場裡戴起船長的帽子,個性及說話能力,比起對文法的了解及哈佛文憑,都還來得重要。」– 羅威爾‧湯瑪士 (記者)
6.Without purpose, the days would have ended, as such days always end, in disintegration.” , Explorer
「少了目標,一天還是會結束,它總是以支離破碎的形式結束。」– 理查‧伯德 (探險家)
7.The education of a man is never completed until he dies.” Robert E. Lee, General
「一個人的學習之路,到死才結束。」– 勞勃·李 (將軍)
8.A few observation and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth.” Alexis Carrel, Surgeon
「很少的觀察伴隨很多的推理導致錯誤的結論,很多的觀察加上些許的推理可得到真相。」– 亞歷克西·卡雷爾 (外科醫生)
9.The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” William Osler, Physician
「好的醫生治病,優秀的醫生治病人。」– 威廉.奧斯勒 (醫生)
10.What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert Pike, Military Officer
「我們為自己做的事將隨我們離世;我們為別人及這世界做的事,將留下來不會死去。」– 亞伯特·派克 (軍官)

V. Singing River

“How Far I'll Go” By Alessia Cara 


I've been staring at the edge of the water
Long as I can remember never really knowing why
I wish I could be the perfect daughter
But I come back to the water no matter how hard I try
Every turn I take every trail I track
每一次 我不停嘗試 各種路徑
Every path I make every road leads back
To the place I know where I can not go though I long to be
我渴望遠行 卻無法前進

See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me
想去看海天相連的地平線  因它在呼喚我
And no one knows how far it goes
沒有人知道 我可以走多遠
If the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
Go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x3
I know everybody on this island seems so happy on this island
我知道島上的每一個人 幸福自足
Everything is by design
I know everybody on this island has a role on this island
我知道島上的每一個人 有各自的角色
So maybe I can roll with mine
I can lead with pride I can make us strong
帶著自身的驕傲 讓大家跟著我強壯
I'll be satisfied if I play along
But the voice inside sings a different song
我內心深處 有不同的聲音
What is wrong with me
See the light as it shines on the sea it's blinding
陽光照著大海 遮住我眼
But no one knows how deep it goes
但沒有人知道 海有多深
And it seems like it's calling out to me so come find me
它似乎在呼喚著我 尋找我的蹤跡
And let me know what's beyond that line will I cross that line
讓我瞭解地平線之外 我能否成功的跨越 
See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me
想去看海天相連的地平線  因它在呼喚我
And no one knows how far it goes
沒有人知道 我可以走多遠
If the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go

“Roar ” By Katy Perry



I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sit quietly, agreed politely I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything
You held me down, but I got up
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, your hear that sound
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
You held me down, but I got up
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now

I got the eye of the tiger, the fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh x3
You're gonna hear me roar

Now I'm floatin like a butterfly
Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes
I went from zero, to my own hero
You held me down, but I got up
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, your hear that sound
Like thunder, gonna shake your ground
You held me down, but I got up
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now

I got the eye of the tiger, the fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar
Roar-or, roar-or, roar-or
I got the eye of the tiger,  the fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar

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