(台北校區/通識教育中心) English Park CXL
I. News Path–新聞步道
首爾尋求俄羅斯的援助以解決核危機/因炸彈緣故警方撤離部分法蘭克福機場的人 /菲律賓政府重新思考毒品問題 /川普與民主黨達成協議援助颶風所帶來的災情 /台灣標槍打破亞洲紀錄 /新移民媽媽們用小錢實現大夢想/高鐵發生疏失 /世大運熊讚找新工作
II. News Vocabulary
1. resolve 解決
2. dialogue 議論
3. evacuate 撤離
4. explosive 炸藥
5. drug 藥物
6. crackdown 鎮壓
7. hurricane 颶風
8. default 默認
III VCR Observatory–影像觀景台
VoiceTube-不必花大錢 就能看影片學英語
【艾倫秀】可愛爆紅的「顯然弟」第一集/超有感觸!你的父母一定也會做的事!/10種常見的英語俚語 & 短語表達/好人難道注定要成為魯蛇?!(第一集)
IV Wisdom Woods–智慧森林
1. “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”– Fredrick Koeing, Inventor
「我們容易忘記,快樂不是因為得到我們沒有的東西,而是認清並欣賞我們擁有的東西。」– 弗瑞德李奇·柯尼格 (發明家)
2. “You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.”– Shonda Rhimes, Television Producer
「你可以把生命浪費在畫地自限,或用你的生命跨越它們。」– 珊達·萊梅斯 (電視製作人)
3. “If technology is purely market-driven and we don’t focus innovation on the big inequities, then we could have amazing inventions that leave the world even more divided.”– Bill Gates, Microsoft Co-founder
「如果我們的科技只是市場導向,沒有把創新用來解決人的不平等,我們將創造很棒、但同時讓世界更不均的發明。」– 比爾‧蓋茲 (微軟創辦者)
V. Singing River–吟唱河流
How Far I'll Go / Bad Liar
I. News Path
Seoul seeks Russian support to resolve nuclear crisis
SEOUL - South Korean President Moon Jae In is set to visit Russia today to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin to seek support for his pressure- with-dialogue approach towards North Korea.
Man makes bomb threat, police evacuate parts of Frankfurt airport
A 37-year-old man caused a partial evacuation of Germany's Frankurt Airport on Saturday evening after telling police that he had explosives in his baggage. http://www.chinapost.com.tw/international/2017/09/10/500206/man-makes.htm
Philippine government 'rethinking' drug war after killings of 3 teens
The Philippine government was "rethinking" its deadly campaign against illegal drugs following the killing of three teenagers in alleged police operations linked to the crackdown, a spokesman said Thursday.
Trump reaches deal with Democrats on hurricane aid, debt ceiling
WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump reached an agreement with congressional Democrats on Wednesday that will avoid a damaging government default and provide funding for Hurricane Harvey aid.
Making history: Taiwan sets new Asian javelin record
After Chinese Taipei's Cheng Chao-tsun sent his final javelin into the sky of the Taipei Municipal Stadium, he could barely contain himself as he waited for the score. When it came -- 91.36 meters -- a rip-roaring celebration erupted in the home crowd: Cheng had won gold and he had also set a new Asian record in the javelin.
New immigrant mothers use small coins to reach big dreams
The Citi Foundation and the Pearl S. Buck Foundation launched a new book, entitled "Small Coins, Big Dreams: Money Management of New Immigrant Mothers to Taiwan." This book compiled the stories of nine new immigrant mothers from Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand. They have achieved their dreams by keeping financial journals and saving money. Both foundations hope that through the book's publication, the general public will know how these new immigrant mothers strive to achieve their dreams, improve the living environment, and protect their family. These stories can also encourage more low-income families to overcome adversity and then find the road to happiness.
Conductor left behind by bullet train in Taiwan
TAIPEI - A bullet train left the platform without its conductor Monday after a system error shut the door on him.
Universiade mascot is looking for a job
TAIPEI - The Taipei Universiade mascot Bravo reported to the employment service center on Friday after the end of the sports event rendered it jobless, according to the mascot's official Facebook page.
II. News Vocabulary(上述新聞標題與短文的單字補充)
1. resolve 解決
2. dialogue 議論
3. evacuate 撤離
4. explosive 炸藥
5. drug 藥物
6. crackdown 鎮壓
7. hurricane 颶風
8. default 默認
9. javelin 標槍
10. erupt 爆發
11. launch 發動
12. entitle 標題
13. publication 發行
14. platform 月台
15. render 呈現
III. VoiceTube
【艾倫秀】可愛爆紅的「顯然弟」第一集 (Ellen Meets the 『Apparently』 Kid, Part 1)
超有感觸!你的父母一定也會做的事!(THINGS ASIAN PARENTS DO)
10種常見的英語俚語 & 短語表達 (10 Common British English Slang Expressions & Phrases | #Spon)
好人難道注定要成為魯蛇?!(第一集) (Just Another Nice Guy - Part 1)
IV. Wisdom Woods
English proverbs and sayings full of humor and wisdom
1. “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”– Fredrick Koeing, Inventor
「我們容易忘記,快樂不是因為得到我們沒有的東西,而是認清並欣賞我們擁有的東西。」– 弗瑞德李奇·柯尼格 (發明家)
2. “You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.”– Shonda Rhimes, Television Producer
「你可以把生命浪費在畫地自限,或用你的生命跨越它們。」– 珊達·萊梅斯 (電視製作人)
3. “If technology is purely market-driven and we don’t focus innovation on the big inequities, then we could have amazing inventions that leave the world even more divided.”– Bill Gates, Microsoft Co-founder
「如果我們的科技只是市場導向,沒有把創新用來解決人的不平等,我們將創造很棒、但同時讓世界更不均的發明。」– 比爾‧蓋茲 (微軟創辦者)
4. “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success.”– Nikola Tesla, Inventor
「比起發明者看到腦裡的想像逐漸實現並取得成功,我覺得沒有什麼可以讓人心如此興奮。」– 尼古拉·特斯拉 (發明家)
5. “Whatever career you’re in, assume it’s going to be a massive failure. That way, you’re not making decisions based on success, money and career. You’re only making it based on doing what you love.”– Brian Chesky, Airbnb Co-founder
「不管你選擇什麼職業,假設它會是一個巨大的失敗,這樣你的決定就不會取決在成功、金錢或職涯,你的決定只取決於做你愛的事。」– 布萊恩·闕斯基 (創業家)
6. “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it.”– David J. Schwartz, Motivational Trainer
「相信事情可以被完成,當你相信可以完成某件事,且真正相信時,你內心會找到完成它的方法。」– 大衛‧施瓦茨 (勵志教練)
7. “In the end, we are our choices. Build yourself a great story.”– Jeff Bezos, Entrepreneur
「到頭來,我們等同自己的選擇,為自己建構一個很棒的故事吧。」– 傑佛瑞‧貝佐斯 (企業家)
8. “When you affirm big, believe big and pray big, putting faith into action, big things happen.”— Norman Vincent Peale, Minister
「當你斷言大事,相信大事,祈禱大事,執行你所相信的,大事將會發生。」– 諾曼‧文森特‧皮爾 (牧師)
9. “No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things.” — Channing Pollock, Writer
「不管我們現在所做的事看起來有麼的微不足道或不重要,如果我們認真的做,它可能很快就會成為通往美好事物的踏石階。」– 詹寧‧布魯克 (作家)
10. “Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.”— Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor
「我們有時候專注於消失中的機會太久,以致於太晚發現開啟的機會。」– 亞歷山大‧貝爾 (發明家)
V. Singing River
“How Far I'll Go” BY Alessia Cara
I've been staring at the edge of the water
Long as I can remember never really knowing why
I wish I could be the perfect daughter
But I come back to the water no matter how hard I try
Every turn I take every trail I track
每一次 我不停嘗試 各種方法
Every path I make every road leads back
To the place I know where I can not where I long to be
我渴望遠行 卻無法前進
See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me
想去看海天相連之處 因它在呼喚我
And no one knows how far it goes
沒有人知道 我可以走多遠
If the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
Go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh x3
I know everybody on this island seems so happy on this island
我知道島上的每一個人 幸福自足
Everything is by design
I know everybody on this island has a role on this island
我知道島上的每一個人 有各自的角色
So maybe I can roll with mine
也許我該 自我前進
I can lead with pride I can make us strong
我帶著驕傲 大家跟著我強壯
I'll be satisfied if I play along
But the voice inside sings a different song
我內心深處 唱出不同的聲音
What is wrong with me
See the light as it shines on the sea it's blinding
陽光照著大海 遮住我眼
But no one knows how deep it goes
但沒有人知道 海有多深
And it seems like it's calling out to me so come find me
它似乎在呼喚著我 在尋找我的蹤跡
And let me know what's beyond that line will I cross that line
地平線之外 我能否成功的跨越
See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me
想去看海天相連之處 因它在呼喚我
And no one knows how far it goes
沒有人知道 我可以走多遠
If the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go
“Bad Liar” BY Selena Gomez
I was walking down the street the other day
Trying to distract myself
But then I see your face
Oh wait, that's someone else
Oh oh, trying play it coy
Trying make it disappear
But just like the battle of Troy
There's nothing subtle here
In my room there's a king size space
Bigger than it used to be
If you want you can rent that place
Call me an amenity
Even if it's in my dreams
You're taking up a fraction of my mind
Every time I watch you serpentine
Oh I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to think about you
No, no, no, no, not to think about you
No, no, no, no, I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to give in to you
No, no, no, no, not to give in to you
With my feelings on fire
Guess I'm a bad liar
I see how your attention builds
It's like looking in a mirror
Your touch like a happy pil
But still all we do is fear
What could possibly happen next?
Can we focus on the love?
Paint my kiss across your chest
If you're the art, I'll be the brush
You're taking up a fraction of my mind
Every time I watch you serpentine
Oh I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to think about you
No, no, no, no, not to think about you
No, no, no, no, I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to give in to you
No, no, no, no, not to give in to you
With my feelings on fire
Guess I'm a bad liar
And oh baby let's make
Reality, actuality, a reality
Oh baby let's make
Reality, actuality, a reality
Oh I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to think about you
No, no, no, no, not to think about you
No, no, no, no, I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Oh tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm tryin'
Not to give in to you
No, no, no, no, not to give in to you
With my feelings on fire
Guess I'm a bad liar
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