
【 第361期 】應英系獲得2023致理盃國際商貿英語簡報競賽全國賽亞軍


應用英語系4B 蘇品璇、3A鄭善元、2A關懿,於2023致理盃國際商貿英語簡報競賽全國賽中,勇奪亞軍!該團隊獲得亞軍乃實至名歸,背後付出了很多時間和心力。學生選定Switchbot為主題後,經常在課餘後留校,草擬簡報講稿、討論如何製作PPT,指導老師協助修訂後,更加強練習發音精準,仔細推敲每句的抑揚頓挫和音調要如何恰到好處,以及搭配簡報的節奏、團隊之間的眼神交流和專業互動,表現得恰到好處。接獲致理的獲獎消息,師生皆雀躍不已,為能得此殊榮深感欣慰! 

此競賽活動宗旨:鼓勵學生練習英語口語表達及訓練組織規劃能力, 並提供菁英學子相互觀摩機會,以提升學生學習英語之興趣及職場競爭力。參賽者2-3人一隊,每校限2隊。此次大專應英組共計17組參加,初賽需上傳報名表、簡報和參賽影片,進入決賽後,需到致理比賽現場進行簡報。能打敗來自各大專院校的菁英學子,實屬難得!期待未來可以持續締造佳績!

We are delighted to congratulate CUTe students Sally (class 4B), Sanyen (class 3A) and Isaac (class 2A) for ranking the 2nd place overall amongst all university team participants, beating all other contestants in 2023 Chihlee National Presentation Contest. It involves more than two dozens of teams from top national technical and private universities, amongst others. To form a team, 2-3 contestants are required and a maximum of 2 teams from the same university is allowed to take part in the competition. The goal of this contest is to motivate students to fortify their speaking capabilities, and to strengthen their organization and presentation skills in English for professional purposes, as well as enhance their competitiveness in the job market. The participants should make a video and upload it to a designated google folder, along with a registration form, a PPT and an executive summary. Once advancing to the final round, students need to make a presentation at the contest venue of Chihlee University. It is already challenging to win the 2nd place at a national level! Such a victory is only the result of lengthy, arduous teamwork coaching, patience, and continuous practice. We sincerely hope to reproduce such gratifying results for CUTe in future contests!



