1. “ When in
doubt, use brute force.”– Ken Thompson, Computer Scientist
「不確定時,強力執行。」–肯·湯普遜 (電腦科學家)
2. “As fruit
needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so
character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it.”— Hugh
Black, Theologian
3. “Prosperity
doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.”– Francis Bacon,
「順境時顯現惡習,逆境時凸現美德。」–法蘭西斯‧培根 (哲學家)
V. Singing River–吟唱河流
I.News Path
Brother of ousted Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif nominated as
his successor
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A majority of the members of the Minneapolis City
Council said Sunday they support disbanding the city’s police department, an
aggressive stance that comes just as the state has launched a civil rights
investigation after George Floyd’s death.
NY Times editorial page editor resigns amid fury over
NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Times’ editorial page editor resigned Sunday
after the newspaper disowned an opinion piece by U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton that
advocated using federal troops against protesters, and it was later revealed he
hadn’t read the piece prior to publication.
Class of 2020: Battle-scarred and resilient amid new
Venezuela's upcoming vote could be the 'final death
knell' for its democracy
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, a young woman in Texas — as yet unaware
of the horrors unfolding half a country away — learns that she is pregnant. She
emerges from her doctor’s office to a shocking new reality. “What kind of world
will this be for my child?” she wonders.
Taiwan launches website to share COVID-19 experience worldwide
TAIPEI (CNA) — The Ministry of Health and Welfare has launched a website
to share with the world the successful policies that Taiwan has implemented in
its prevention efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Epidemic Command
Center (CECC) said Sunday.
Regaining power in Kaohsiung hard for KMT: Taitung
TAIPEI (The China Post) — The successful
recall of Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo yu (韓國瑜) means that it
will be much more difficult for the opposition Kuomingtang (KMT) to ever grab
power in Kaoshiung, Taitung Magistrate Yao Ching-ling (饒慶鈴) said on Saturday.
Taiwan reiterates sovereignty rights over Diaoyutai
TAIPEI (CNA) — Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Saturday
reiterated Taiwan’s sovereignty rights over the Diaoyutai Islands, called
Senkaku Islands by Japan, amid a reported plan by a Japanese local government
to change their district name.
Vice Premier Chen Chi-mai calls on Kaohsiung residents to
TAIPEI (The China Post) — Ahead of the Kaohsiung Mayor’s recall vote, Vice
Premier Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) posted to Facebook on Friday,
urging Kaohsiung residents to vote to decide the city’s future with an image of
himself taken at a Taiwan High-Speed Rail’s station.
II. News Vocabulary(上述新聞標題與短文的單字補充)
majority 多數
aggressive 好鬥的
6. unfolding 展開
emerges 出現
8. implemented 已實施
9. pandemic大流行
10. successful成功的
11. difficult難
12. reiterated重申
13. sovereignty 主權
urging 敦促
15. vote 投票
III. VoiceTube
美國海軍如何在海上救人 (How The US Navy Saves A Man Overboard At
English proverbs and sayings full of humor and wisdom
1. “ When in doubt, use brute force.”– Ken Thompson, Computer Scientist
「不確定時,強力執行。」–肯·湯普遜 (電腦科學家)
2. “As
fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it,
so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it.”— Hugh Black, Theologian
3. “Prosperity
doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.”– Francis Bacon, Philosopher
「順境時顯現惡習,逆境時凸現美德。」–法蘭西斯‧培根 (哲學家)
4. “Life
is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment.”— Samuel Johnson, Lexicographer
「人生是需求提升的過程,不是享樂提升的過程。」–塞繆爾‧詹森 (字典編纂者)
5. “Your
attitude towards problems, difficulties, and adversities is the most important
factor in overcoming them.”–
Napoleon Hill, Motivational Writer
「你面對問題、困難及逆境的態度,是克服它們的最重要因素。」–拿破崙‧希爾 (勵志作家)
6. “Every
entrepreneur needs ideas, vision, and creativity – no matter what the product
or service. Not only that, but the product should truly delight customers and
become an essential part of their lives.”–
Min Kao, Entrepreneur
7. “I
fundamentally believe that we as human beings are not defined by the conditions
we face, no matter how hopeless they seem — we are defined by how we respond to
them.”– Raj Panjabi, Doctor
8. “I
fundamentally believe that we as human beings are not defined by the conditions
we face, no matter how hopeless they seem — we are defined by how we respond to
them.”– Raj Panjabi, Doctor
9. “Be
nostalgic about the past. Be very realistic about the present. Educate yourself
thoroughly. Be optimistic about the future. Human ingenuity is limitless.”— Indra Nooyi, Former CEO of PepsiCo
10. “Bring
out the best in the team by challenging them with tough but achievable goals,
encouraging them with sincerity and trust, motivating them with a compelling
vision and listening to them with empathy.”–
Kai-Fu Lee, CEO of Sinovation Ventures