
【 第308期 】英文公園 第218期

(台北校區/通識教育中心) English Park

I. News Path–新聞步道

新加坡確診近八千人/日本奧運會 /韓國70%的冠狀病毒患者完全康復/泰國頂級酒店與送貨服務合作/台灣確診COVID-19總數達到422/台灣參加五月份世界衛生大會的機會渺茫/台灣藥房將停止銷售口罩/誠品敦南書店將歇業

II. News Vocabulary

1. infections                     感染
2. scientist                        科學家
3. pessimistic                   悲觀
4. recovered                     恢復
5. novel                            新奇
6. bid                                出價
7. survive                         生存
8. teamed                         聯手

III VCR Observatory–影像觀景台

來談談人生吧:小男孩與老爺爺的觀點有什麼不同? /自己到底是內向還外向? /是你聽錯還是我說錯?其實這些已是約定俗成的「誤聽詞」/被鬼壓床過嗎?帶你一窺清醒夢!

IV Wisdom Woods–智慧森林

1.“When a man feels throbbing within him the power to do what he undertakes as well as it can possibly be done, and all of his faculties say amen to what he is doing, and give their unqualified approval to his efforts, – this is happiness, this is success.”– Orison Marden, Writer
「當一個人因為有力量做他做的事及可能完成的事而心裡感到悸動,且所有的感官因他所做的事而感動的說阿們,並完全認同他所付出的努力那就是快樂,那就是成功。」奧里森馬登 (作家)
2. “Don’t let others convince you that the idea is good when your gut tells you it’s bad.”– Kevin Rose, Internet Entrepreneur
「如果你的直覺告訴你這不是一個好主意,別讓別人說服你它是好的。」奧里森馬登 (作家)
3. “If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.”– Thomas J. Watson, Founder of IBM
「如果你想到達卓越,你今天就可以做到。就在這一秒,不要做不及卓越的事。」湯瑪斯華生 (IBM 創辦人)

V. Singing River–吟唱河流

Say So/I’m Ready

I.             News Path

Singapore reports a record 1,426 new cases, total near 8,000

SINGAPORE (AP) — Singapore reported a record 1,426 new coronavirus cases on Monday, mostly among foreign workers, pushing its total number of confirmed infections to 7,984.

Japan scientist ‘very pessimistic’ Olympics go on next year
TOKYO (AP) — A Japanese professor of infectious disease says he is “very pessimistic” the postponed Tokyo Olympics can open in 15 months.

70% of coronavirus patients in South Korea fully recovered
SEOUL (The Korea Herald/ANN) — More than 70 percent of people who have been infected with the novel coronavirus in South Korea are fully recovered, and fewer than 3,000 remain in hospital, authorities said Sunday.

Thai hotels jump on food-delivery bandwagon in bid to survive
BANGKOK (The Nation/ANN) — In a move to cash in on the work-from-home trend, top hotels have teamed up with delivery services as well as the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to provide customers savory delights in their very homes.

Taiwan reports 2 new infections, brings tally to 422
TAIPEI (The China Post/ANN) — The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) on Monday reported 2 new imported cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, bringing the total number in Taiwan to 422.

Taiwan’s chances of attending WHA in May slim: MOFA
TAIPEI (CNA) — Taiwan’s chances of receiving an invitation to attend the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May are slim, but it will continue to do its best to rally international support, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) official said Monday.

Pharmacies to stop selling face masks on Sundays: CECC
TAIPEI (The China Post/ANN) — The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情中心) on Friday announced that NHI designated pharmacies can decide whether to stop selling face masks on Sundays, effective on April 19 over pharmacy workers’ heavy workload.

Eslite to unveil location of next 24/7 bookstore on April 23
TAIPEI (The China Post) — Most people don’t know but Eslite Dunnan Bookstore, which is open 24/7 since 1990, will close on May 31.

II. News Vocabulary(上述新聞標題與短文的單字補充)
1. infections                     感染
2. scientist                       科學家
3. pessimistic                   悲觀
4. recovered                     恢復
5. novel                           新奇
6. bid                               出價
7. survive                        生存
8. teamed                        聯手
9. imported                     進口的
10. attending                   參加
11. invitation                   邀請函
12. Pharmacies               藥局
13. effective                   有效
14. unveil                        揭幕
15. bookstore                  書店

III. VoiceTube

來談談人生吧:小男孩與老爺爺的觀點有什麼不同? (57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life)

自己到底是內向還外向? You Might Be an Introvert If........ Clean comedy by Doug Hertle

是你聽錯還是我說錯?其實這些已是約定俗成的「誤聽詞」(Have you been getting a phrase wrong all your life? | BBC Ideas)

被鬼壓床過嗎?帶你一窺清醒夢!(What is a lucid dream? [AnyStory])

IV. Wisdom Woods
English proverbs and sayings full of humor and wisdom
1.“When a man feels throbbing within him the power to do what he undertakes as well as it can possibly be done, and all of his faculties say amen to what he is doing, and give their unqualified approval to his efforts, – this is happiness, this is success.”– Orison Marden, Writer
「當一個人因為有力量做他做的事及可能完成的事而心裡感到悸動,且所有的感官因他所做的事而感動的說阿們,並完全認同他所付出的努力那就是快樂,那就是成功。」奧里森馬登 (作家)
2. “Don’t let others convince you that the idea is good when your gut tells you it’s bad.”– Kevin Rose, Internet Entrepreneur
「如果你的直覺告訴你這不是一個好主意,別讓別人說服你它是好的。」奧里森馬登 (作家)
3. “If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.”– Thomas J. Watson, Founder of IBM
「如果你想到達卓越,你今天就可以做到。就在這一秒,不要做不及卓越的事。」湯瑪斯華生 (IBM 創辦人)
4. “If you start thinking you are good at something, that’s often the day you stop trying to be better and open the back door for someone to come after you.”– Drew Houston, Entrepreneur
「如果你開始覺得自己在某方面很強,通常那天會是你停止進步的時候,並開啟後門讓人追上你。」德魯·休斯頓 (企業家)
5. “Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.”– Oscar Wilde, Writer
「人生從來就不是公平的,但或許對我們大部份人來說,這是一件好事。」奧斯卡王爾德 (作家)
6. “All my best successes came on the heels of failure. Every failure has an equally big upside if you are willing to stay in the game.”– Barbara Corcoran, Entrepreneur
「我最大的成功都是隨著失敗接踵而至,如果你願意待著,每個失敗都有其相對應的好處。」- 芭芭拉.柯克蘭 (企業家)
7. “Time is very slow for those who wait. Very fast for those who are scared. Very long for those who lament. Very short for those who celebrate. But for those who love time is eternal.”– William Shakespeare, Writer
「對於等待的人,時間過得很慢;對於害怕的人,時間過得很快;悲痛的人覺得時間很久,慶祝的人覺得時間很短,但對於心中有愛的人,時間則是永恆。」威廉莎士比亞 (文學家
8. “I try not to make any decisions that I’m not excited about.”– Jake Nickell, co-founder and CEO of Threadless
「我試著不做不讓我感到興奮的決定。」傑克尼克爾 (企業家)
9. “You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end.”– Jessica Herrin, co-founder and CEO of Stella & Dot
「你必須把失敗當做是開始和中間,而絕不是結局。」潔西卡海靈 (企業家)
10. “A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.”— Michel de Montaigne, Philosopher
「一個害怕痛苦的人已經在承受他所害怕的痛苦了。」蒙田 (哲學家)

V. Singing River

“Say So” BY Doja Cat

Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
從白天到夜晚再到隔天清晨 跟我一起享受當下吧
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?
我知道我會讓你更靠近一點 你為什麼不主動一點呢?
Didn’t even notice, no punches left to roll with
根本沒注意到 我們的酒杯都已經空了
You got to keep me focused
You want it? Say so
如果你想要得到我 那就開口告訴我吧
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
從白天到夜晚再到隔天清晨 跟我一起享受當下吧
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?
我知道我會讓你更靠近一點 你為什麼不主動一點呢?
Didn’t even notice, no punches left to roll with
根本沒注意到 我們的酒杯都已經空了
You got to keep me focused
You want it? Say so
如果你想要得到我 那就開口告訴我吧
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
It’s been a long time since you fell in love
You ain’t coming out your shell, you ain’t really been yourself
你不敢卸下你的防備 也不敢放心做自己
Tell me, what must I do?
告訴我 我該做什麼?
‘Cause luckily I’m good at reading
I wouldn’t bug him, but he won’t stop cheesin’
我不會打擾他 可是他卻一直感到煩悶
And we can dance all day around it
If you frontin’, I’ll be bouncing
如果你面對你的感情 我會欣然接受的
If you want it, scream it, shout it, babe
如果你渴望 那就大聲喊出來吧
Before I leave you dry
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
從白天到夜晚再到隔天清晨 跟我一起享受當下吧
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?
我知道我會讓你更靠近一點 你為什麼不主動一點呢?
Didn’t even notice, no punches left to roll with
根本沒注意到 我們的酒杯都已經空了
You got to keep me focused
You want it? Say so
如果你想要得到我 那就開口告訴我吧
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
從白天到夜晚再到隔天清晨 跟我一起享受當下吧
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?
我知道我會讓你更靠近一點 你為什麼不主動一點呢?
Didn’t even notice, no punches left to roll with
根本沒注意到 我們的酒杯都已經空了
You got to keep me focused
You want it? Say so
如果你想要得到我 那就開口告訴我吧
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
Let me check my chest, my breath right quick
讓我檢查一下我的心 我的呼吸漸漸急促
He ain’t ever seen it in a dress like this
He ain’t ever even been impressed like this
Prolly why I got him quiet on the set like zip
Like it, love it, need it, bad
喜歡我嗎 愛我嗎 需要我嗎 很渴望嗎
Take it, own it, steal it, fast
那就趕緊得到我吧 擁有我吧 偷走我吧 
Boy, stop playing, grab my ass
男孩 不要再玩了 緊緊摟住我吧
Why you actin’ like you shy? 
Shut it, save it, keep it pushin’
閉上嘴 省下廢話 只管讓我歡愉吧
Why you beating ’round the bush?
Knowin’ you want all this woman
Never knock it ’til you try
All of them bitches hating I have you with me
All of my niggas sayin’ you mad committed
Realer than anybody you had, and pretty
我比你認識的任何人都還真實 也更漂亮
All of the body-ody, the ass and titties
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
從白天到夜晚再到隔天清晨 跟我一起享受當下吧
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?
我知道我會讓你更靠近一點 你為什麼不主動一點呢?
Didn’t even notice, no punches left to roll with
根本沒注意到 我們的酒杯都已經空了
You got to keep me focused
You want it? Say so
如果你想要得到我 那就開口告訴我吧
Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
從白天到夜晚再到隔天清晨 跟我一起享受當下吧
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?
我知道我會讓你更靠近一點 你為什麼不主動一點呢?
Didn’t even notice, no punches left to roll with
根本沒注意到 我們的酒杯都已經空了
You got to keep me focused
You want it? Say so
如果你想要得到我 那就開口告訴我吧

“I’m Ready” BY Sam Smith, Demi Lovato

It's a cold night in my bed in the heat of the summer
儘管正值炎炎夏日 我的床上仍是寒冷深夜
I've been waitin' patiently for a beautiful lover
He's not a cheater, a believer
他不是背叛者 而是信念者
He's a warm, warm-blooded achiever
他很溫暖 有一腔熱血的成就者
It's a lonely night in my bed in the heat of the summer, uhh

It's so hard when you're with someone
Your heart breaks and it ain't no fun
你心碎無比 一切都索然無味
But I gotta take that risk tonight
I'm ready, I'm ready
我準備好了 準備好了
I'm ready, I'm ready
我準備好了 準備好了
For someone to love me (For someone to love me)
I'm ready (I'm ready), I'm ready (I'm ready)
我準備好了 準備好了
I'm ready (I'm ready), I'm ready (I'm ready)
我準備好了 準備好了
For someone to love me, for someone to love me

Ooh, yeah
It's a hot night in my head in the chill of the winter
儘管正值酷寒 我的腦海正經歷著熱烈的夜晚
No, I've been lookin' hard for a lover disguised as a sinner
No, not a cheater, a redeemer
 不是個背叛者 而是個救贖者
He's a cold, cold-blooded defeater
It's a hot night in my head in the chill of the winter, no
儘管正值酷寒 我的腦海正經歷著熱烈的夜晚
It's so hard when you're with someone
Your heart breaks and it ain't no fun
你心碎無比 一切都索然無味
But I gotta take that risk tonight

I'm ready, I'm ready
我準備好了 準備好了
I'm ready, I'm ready
我準備好了 準備好了
For someone to love me (For someone to love me)
I'm ready (I'm ready), I'm ready (I'm ready)
我準備好了 準備好了
I'm ready (I'm ready), I'm ready (I'm ready)
我準備好了 準備好了
For someone to love me, for someone to love me

It's a cold night in my bed in the heat of the summer
儘管正值炎炎夏日 我的床上仍是寒冷深夜
No, I've been lookin' hard for a lover disguised as a sinner

I'm ready, I'm ready
我準備好了 準備好了
I'm ready, I'm ready
我準備好了 準備好了
For someone to love me (For someone to love me)
I'm ready (I'm ready), I'm ready (I'm ready)
我準備好了 準備好了
I'm ready (I'm ready), I'm ready (I'm ready)
我準備好了 準備好了
For someone to love me, for someone to love me


